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Neurofeedback - Evolution, Evidence, and Application - May 21

BEE Medic is the maker of modern, practical and effective tools for mental health professionals. In this presentation, you will receive first-hand information from Dr. Wandernoth, who is responsible for the entire development at BEE Medic GmbH. He will cover what neurofeedback actually is, how it works, where it can be used, and how to integrate it into your practice.


  • History of neurofeedback
  • How does neurofeedback work?
  • For which indications and symptoms is neurofeedback suitable?
  • How do the common neurofeedback methods differ?
  • How is neurofeedback applied in practice?
  • What are the professional and therapeutic requirements?
  • What are the technical requirements?
  • What are the first steps for a successful implementation?
  • Q & A

Après la journée d'information

You will..

..have insight into the evidence of Neurofeedback
..know how modern Neurofeedback works
..know how to implement and use Neurofeedback in practice and clinic and what benefits you can derive from it personally
..have many new insights and references to literature and studies that will help you know how to get started with effective neurofeedback


Période / Durée

21.05.2025 09:00 – 10:00
Local time: America/Los_Angeles

Your selected time zone

  • Téléphone: 818-313-9980


  • Anglais


  • FREE
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