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Brain Function Analyzer System


Social neuroscience combines approaches from cognitive neuroscience and social psychology and highlights a multilevel approach to emotional, social, and cognitive phenomena, making it one of the newer, more promising fields of cognitive neuroscience.The course covers the development of the HBImed database by Andreas Müller and Juri Kropotov, including the latest research findings such as the introduction of ICA evoked potentials, the vigilance index, arousal-index and ADHD and emotional Classification-indexes. Participants learn to use the HBImed Brain Function Analyzer to conduct analyses and generate reports driven from copilot. Neurobiological foundations are linked with cognitive-psychological approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of brain functions and their relationship to behavior and experience.

Wesentliche Lehrinhalte


This is the inaugural course and is the only course that currently exists to teach students how to analyze qEEG/ERP data using the HBImed and brain function analyzer (BFA) system. This offering includes a unique opportunity for live Q&As with all instructors. In future iterations of the course, it’s likely that recordings of this cohort’s live events will replace some of the live instruction.


Zeitraum / Dauer

21.04.2025 – 21.07.2025
Local time: UTC

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Im Preis enthalten

  • 4 hours of pre-recorded instruction
  • BFA Instructions
  • 7.5 hours of live practicums and Q&A via Zoom
  • Up to 10 reports from the HBImed Brain Function Analyzer system
  • BEEmedic ERP recording device as required during the course and for 2 months following the course’s conclusion (note: to collect data you will need have your own caps and computer)
  • ERP calibration/technical support
  • Practice EEG/ERP data
  • 2+ hours of live discussion of reports generated by students2

230 minutes allocated per student


Students will be able to…

  • Analyze EEG/ERP data using the Brain Function Analyzer System and the HBImed database
  • Design their own EEG/ERP reports using the Brain Function Analyzer System

Students will understand…

  • What ERPs are and how they help clinicians understand the brain
  • The reports that the Brain Function Analyzer System generates

Weitere Hinweise

  • This is an intermediate/advanced class. Therefore course participants need to have completed an intro accredited BCIA course or have at least 2 years of full time neurofeedback training experience
  • Course praticipants should already know how to acquire artifact free 19 channel EEG/ERP data. If you need to learn this, we can help.
  • Access to a computer that meets the specifications to run the ERP rec program1
  • Caps and gels
  • Course participants must hold a clinical license or be working under a supervisor who meets all prerequisites and is either taking this course with them or already knows how to use the BFA

Can be confirmed with BEEMedic tech support: tel – +1-818-313-9980


  • Englisch


Sadar Psychological & Sports Center

1288 Valley Forge Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460

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