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About Neurofeedback

What is Neurofeedback and how does it work

Patient wird behandelt

What happens in a Neurofeedback session?

During a neurofeedback session, 3 to 5 electrodes are stuck to the scalp using paste. This, like the entire treatment, is absolutely painless. Afterwards, the patient can relax and follow an animation, film or video game on the screen. 


At the end of the session, the electrodes are removed from the scalp and the paste residues are removed. a neurofeedback session usually lasts 45 minutes. Each case is different, but patients may need between 10 and 40 sessions to achieve the best results.

What are the benefits of Neurofeedback?

  • Non-invasive, painless, and does not involve the use of medication, making it a safe alternative to traditional treatments

  • Highly individualized, treatment is tailored to the specific needs of each person


  • Uses normative, standardized, and quantifiable measurements which allows treatments to be more precise than other therapies


  • Helps treat the cause of a problem instead of treating symptoms, which has been shown to produce long-lasting effects


Neurofeedback: State of research

Neurofeedback – which has been scientifically examined for more than 35 years now – shows growing evidence with more than 2.000 published studies. (Pubmed, 2021).

We have compiled a selection of studies on various topics and indications.


What is the difference between Neurofeedback & Biofeedback

In conventional biofeedback, body functions such as the pulse or muscle tension are recorded by sensors and can be experienced in real time through acoustic signals or visual displays. For example, a patient can be informed by a sound that indicates incorrect postures that lead to muscle tenseness. Over time, the patient is trained to maintain body functions at a certain level of activity or to be able to change them in a targeted manner. In addition to the treatment of muscular tenseness, the typical areas of application in which biofeedback is used are tachycardia, high blood pressure or incontinence.


Neurofeedback training does not train muscular or organic body functions, but the self-regulating ability of the brain.