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Article: Experience with neurofeedback in therapeutic practice

31. March 2021

In the current issue of the German-language professional journal for occupational therapists "Praxis Ergotherapie" our collegues Dr. Siegrid Seuß and Jennifer Riederle published the results of a survey among 260 neurofeedback therapist, mainly occupational therapist. They asked them about their use and experience with neurofeedback in daily work.

The publisher's announcement states:

"Neurofeedback is a therapy method to improve the regulatory capacity of the central nervous system. Clinical studies are investigating the effects of neurofeedback in various indications. In addition, practical experience is an important component in the evaluation of the method. 260 neurofeedback therapists – mostly occupational therapists - were interviewed about their experiences in daily practice. The analysis illustrates the variety of applications, positive and undesirable effects, and arrives at a positive risk-benefit ratio."


48% of the survey participants were occupational therapists. Furthermore professionals in the field of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychologe (30%) and from other therapeutic working prefessions (22%) participated. All of them are working with ILF Neurofeedback and the results are impressive.

85% of respondents rated neurofeedback as an "essential tool for effective treatment of their patients." Positive effects of neurofeedback mentioned included improvement in sleep, attention, mood, and emotion regulation and impulse control.

When asked to assess the risk-benefit ratio of neurofeedback, 96% of respondents rated it as very good or good.

You can read the complete article in German-language in the current issue 2/2021 of "Praxis Ergotherapie" available from 01.04.2021.

Or read the articel here.

For more details please feel free to contact us. The authors will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Cover Praxsi Ergotherapie Ausgabe 02/2021