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Mind Matters
Neurofeedback Blog

Insights, Studies, Interviews, and News

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Neurofeedback in der Praxis

What does Neurofeedback do for the brain in stress and mental illness?

A short article in today's edition of the WELT shows how neurofeedback can help us deal with stress and strain right now.

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Study shows: ILF neurofeedback leads to significant improvement in impulse control and attention in children with ADHD

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Memory improvement through neurofeedback

This blog post is about... um... oh… let me think... yeah! Memory and forgetting. We all have been in such situations: forgetting the appointment at the dentist, having to search for our car in the parking lot and not remembering birthdays. In this blog post, we explain why we forget things and how neurofeedback can improve memory. We are also discussing a study by the Saarland University in which the memory of test subjects could be improved in the long term through neurofeedback training.

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child reading in a book

Interview with Gernoth Wührer - The importance of language to human development

Language is a fundamental component in child development. When suffering from a so-called language development disorder, communication, language comprehension, vocabulary and language formation or several of these areas are affected. 

In his practice in Munich, the psychologist Gernot Wührer treats, among others, patients with language development disorders. In this interview he reports on how neurofeedback can help. 


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The Development of the Othmer Method: Neurofeedback in Its Most Advanced Form

If you are interested in the topic of neurofeedback, you will quickly realize that not all neurofeedback is the same. This article gives a brief insight into our whitepaper on the development of the Othmer Method. From its origins in classic SMR beta and frequency band training, to the systematic study of electrode placements, to today's ILF neurofeedback.

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gunilla radu from nordic center of neurofeedback

Interview with Gunilla Radu from Nordic Center of Neurofeedback - "We can do so much with so little"

Gunilla Radu is founder of the Nordic Center of Neurofeedback, works internationally as a EEG Info Europe lecturer for Neurofeedback and works every day with people in her private practice. In the interview she talks about her Neurofeedback career and experience, why it is so important to make Neurofeedback accessible to more and more people, especially in the field of trauma therapy and the pioneer work in her region.

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Congratulations to the winners!

Thank you very much for your active participation in our book raffle. Many of you "not only" took part, but also sent us personal messages, telling us about treatment successes and enthusiastic patients, and that you would no longer want to do without neurofeedback in your practice.

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Homeschooling in children with AD(H)D – Risk or Chance?

Many countries are in a second lockdown right now. Even if most schools remain open and students may attend classes, experiences of the homeschooling phase are still present to many. We want to discuss the potential opportunities and risks of digital learning and teaching formats for children with AD(H)D.

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Eine kurze Buchbesprechung: „Neurofeedback. Theoretische Grundlagen - Praktisches Vorgehen - Wissenschaftliche Evidenz“

Sieben Jahre nach Veröffentlichung der Erstausgabe ist in diesem Jahr die 2. Edition von Ute Strehls Buch „Neurofeedback“ im Kohlhammer-Verlag erschienen. Einige Kapitel aus der ersten Ausgabe wurden überarbeitet, andere wiederum kamen komplett neu hinzu.

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christmas gifts

The perfect literature for the winter - Take part in our book raffle!

What could be more pleasant than making yourself comfortable in the cold season and reading a good book? Especially when you have to stay at home anyway and can update your Neurofeedback knowledge at the same time? We make this thought even more beautiful by giving you just such a book as a present! Take part in our pre-Christmas book raffle!

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