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Neurofeedback Blog

Insights, Studies, Interviews, and News

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Gruppenfoto ACAN

That was ACAN 2023

A long time was planned, organized and waited - now the Annual Conference for Applied Neurofeedback is already over. This year it took place for the first time from June 16th to 17th. International users, experts and interested people met in Birmingham, UK, to inform themselves about the latest scientific findings in the field of Neurofeedback.

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Study on the Combined Use of ILF Neurofeedback and trauma psychotherapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 

The study "Case Report: Infra-Low-Frequency Neurofeedback for PTSD: A Therapist's Perspective"
by Spreyermann (2022) shows how a combined therapy of trauma psychotherapy and Neurofeedback, specifically ILF Neurofeedback and alpha-theta training, can be used with patients diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). Two case studies are presented as well as an overall assessment of clinical outcomes over the past 7 years.

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First Annual Conference for Applied Neurofeedback - 16-17 June 2023 in Birmingham, UK

This year, the first Annual Conference for Applied Neurofeedback, ACAN for short, will take place in Birmingham. From 16 to 17 June, international experts will give insights into modern Neurofeedback research and the latest scientific findings in lectures and discussion panels, with a focus on the topic of trauma. Practical Neurofeedback workshops will cover innovative technologies such as virtual reality, QEEG, Neurofeedback in peak performance and biofeedback. 

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grüne Schleife

Mental Health Week at Bee Medic

As part of the European Mental Health Week, we offer an insightful expert webinar "Let's talk about neurofeedback!" on 22 May. With neurofeedback experts Dr.rer.nat. Meike Wiedemann and Veronika Kreitmayr we talk about Neurofeedback and mental health.

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Sleep as a symptom - the importance of sleep and how Neurofeedback can help with sleep problems.

We all know of the importance of sleep, which we notice in particular when we have problems with it: Difficulties falling asleep and sleeping through the night, constantly waking up and having trouble getting back to sleep - sleep disorders are multifaceted, and so are their causes. In this blog post we want to explain why sleep is so important, what the consequences of poor sleep can be and how Neurofeedback can help with sleep problems.

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Sue Othmer

In memory of Sue Othmer

We have received the sad news that Sue Othmer has passed away on the morning of February 3, 2023, shortly after her 79th birthday. We mourn her passing. The world is poorer by an incredible personality - an obituary.


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"Study Update 2022" - Here you will find a selection of current neurofeedback studies.

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Neurofeedback in “The Higher Practice Podcast for Optimal Mental Health”

One of the pioneers of advanced Neurofeedback, Dr. Siegfried Othmer, has joined Keith Kurlander and Dr. Will Van Derveer, Co-Founders of the Integrative Psychiatry Institute and Integrative Psychiatry Centers, in their podcast “The Higher Practice Podcast for Optimal Mental Health”. Dr. Siegfried Othmer explains how Neurofeedback works and talks about how he personally started with Neurofeedback. Classical frequency band training, ILF Neurofeedback as well as ADHD and PTSD are discussed.

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Open Day" on October 15, 2022 at BEE Medic GmbH in Forchheim as part of the Mental Health Action Week

On 15 October 2022, BEE Medic GmbH will be holding an "Open Day". Under the motto of this year's Mental Health Action Week "Talking lifts your spirits - mentally healthy in our society", we will talk about mental health and show what role modern medical technology, such as neurofeedback, plays in this.

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kostenloses Webinar

Expert webinar "Let's talk about neurofeedback" - On World Mental Health Day, October 10, 2022.

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Based on the motto "Talking lifts your spirits - mentally healthy in our society", BEE Medic GmbH is hosting a free webinar entitled "Let's talk about neurofeedback" at 6:00 pm. Neurofeedback experts Dr. Meike Wiedemann and Veronika Kreitmayr will discuss the questions of what it actually means to be mentally healthy, what role neurofeedback can play in therapy and, above all, how therapists can benefit from working with neurofeedback.

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