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Neurofeedback Blog

Insights, Studies, Interviews, and News

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Overview cygnet neurofeedback animations

What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a therapy method that - similar to biofeedback methods - is based on measuring physical body functions and reporting them back through appropriate signals in real time. Since neurofeedback is about the brain, EEG signals are used for feedback here. Neurofeedback is mainly used in therapy to improve the self-regulation ability.

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Wissenschaftler beim Betrachten eines Laptops

Study proves: just one session with ILF Neurofeedback results in significant changes in brain connectivity!

For the first time a randomized, controlled study has shown effects of Infra Low Frequency Neurofeedback (ILF Neurofeedback for short and also known as the Othmer method), on connectivity and brain activity - and this after only a single session. The study by Dobrushina et al. entitled "Modulation of Intrinsic Brain Connectivity by Implicit Electroencephalographic Neurofeedback" thus makes an important contribution to a better understanding of the mechanisms and processes of ILF Neurofeedback. “This confirms what we see in daily practice and what patients telling us: that ILF Neurofeedback has effects even after only one session,” says Dr. Bernhard Wandernoth, Founder of BEE Medic GmbH.

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Onlinekurse PC Monitor mit Cygnet Neurofeedback-Software

Wie funktioniert das Praktikum im Onlinekurs? Im Video zeigen wir Ihnen, wie es geht!

Kann man Neurofeedback auch online lernen? Kurz und knapp: ja. Sogar sehr gut. Bequem aus der eigenen Praxis oder von zu Hause aus. Planungssicher und mit wenig Aufwand. Und dabei müssen Sie keine Kompromisse eingehen! Bei den Onlinekursen vermitteln wir Ihnen den gleichen Inhalt wie bei Veranstaltungen vor Ort. Und auch das Praktikum kommt dabei nicht zu kurz, sondern ist auch hier ein zentraler Kursbestandteil. Um die Technik kümmern wir uns und zeigen Ihnen im Video wie die Vorbereitung eines Onlinekurses funktioniert.

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Nahaufnahme Person am Laptop während eines Webinars

6 reasons for online Neurofeedback training

The increasing digitalization brings us many advantages in everyday life. However, especially when it comes to e-learning and in particular to professional and medical training, there are often concerns as to whether further education can really work online. 

With the online courses with training providers accredited by us, we have already convinced numerous of our customers. Of course, this is also a question of character, but with the following six reasons for digital learning, we would like to show you the advantages of online courses.

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neurofeedback_case studies

Neurofeedback case studies - Introduction to data collection and scientific work

Find out in our 90-minute webinar how data collection can take place parallel to therapy and what added value and benefit this data has.

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Gehirn Biofeedback

Expert panel: Chances and limits of the QEEG

In many areas of medicine, technical, standardized measuring methods for diagnosis have already become established. Be it blood analysis from the laboratory or X-ray images at the orthopaedic surgeon. However, in the field of mental health, objective measurement data as a basis for decision making is practically not yet available. But why?

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Neurofeedback Animations Overview

Expert panel: Feedback animations

Which animation do I need for my practice? Which feedback variant is used most often and is most effective? If you have asked yourself these and other questions in the past, our new offer from the online expert panel is just right for you!

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EEG Info Protokoll Leitfaden 7. Auflage

Protocol Guide available in 7th edition

The Protocol Guide by Susan F. Othmer has been the indispensable standard work for all those who (want to) work with Neurofeedback according to Othmer. The now current 7th edition contains clinical knowledge about the new extended ILF HD range, revised symptom profiles and the new ILF synchrony training.

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Video Elektroden kleben für Neurofeedback Eigentraining

How to hook up electrodes for Neurofeedback self-training

We all experience weeks of special challenges. Due to initial restrictions and cutbacks in public life, we all experience uncertainties and stressful situations. At the same time, new ideas emerge everywhere and some of us have something that is often neglected in the normal bustle of everyday life: more time! We would like to invite you to use this time for Neurofeedback training.

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Book recommendation - "Neurofeedback: A gentle therapy to help the brain help itself"

Everyone can benefit from neurofeedback, which helps the brain to regulate itself better in a playful way. Above all, it helps to alleviate numerous illnesses such as migraines, sleep and concentration disorders, ADHD, mental disorders and trauma. And all this without having to go into detail about your own past. Meike Wiedemann and Kirsten Segler explain in an easily understandable way how neurofeedback works and how it is applied. Numerous case histories show the many different ways it can be used. An exciting introduction to a promising therapy method, effective and without side effects. Available in German.

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