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Unlock the potential of Infra-Low Frequency (ILF) Neurofeedback

Course description

This hands-on training, organized by ANFI, will guide you through the core principles of Low Frequency (ILF) Neurofeedback and show you how it differs from traditional frequency-based methods.

The training is designed for professionals who are looking to deepen their expertise and achieve more transformative results with their clients. By attending this evidence-based program, you will gain valuable insights into the latest advancements in neurofeedback, enabling you to make a profound impact on your clients’ well-being and mental health.

Throughout the day, you will not only explore the theory behind ILF Neurofeedback but also have the opportunity to engage in a hands-on demonstration with the cutting-edge Cygnet ILF software.

This immersive experience will equip you with the practical knowledge necessary to effectively integrate ILF with traditional Frequency-based Neurofeedback, enhancing the clinical outcomes you deliver.

Essential teaching content

  • Gain a deep understanding of ILF Neurofeedback and how it differs from traditional Frequency-based Neurofeedback.
  • Hands-on demonstration of the Cygnet ILF software by its creator.
  • Practical training tailored to help you integrate ILF with the Frequency Neurofeedback into your clinical practice.


to be continued
2000 Sidney

Period of time

18.03.2025 08:30 – 18:00
Local time: Australia/Sydney

Your selected time zone


590 AUD + GST

Included in the price

  • Hands-on Demonstration
  • Practical Training
  • Handouts
  • 8 hours of CLE/CPD Points
  • Morning Tea, Afternoon Tea and Lunch

More Information

The workshop takes place in Sydney, NSW. 

The exact location will be published soon.


  • English


Australian NeuroFeedback Institute

168 The Horsley Dr, Carramar NSW 2163

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.
Taylor C

Taylor Capozziello


Taylor graduated with her PhD in Psychology with a specialization in Psychophysiology in 2019. Prior to her graduate studies, she started as a bodyworker in 2002. Trained in a variety of modalities that include craniosacral and trigger point, she immediately recognized the advantage to her clients in having a wide range of techniques to address their individual concerns. This background pairs well with biofeedback work. She obtained her BA from San Francisco State University in psychology with emphasis in kinesiology and holistic health, which she added as a field of study prior to graduation.

Experience with neurofeedback

The connection between the mind and the body continued to fascinate her, and in 2012, she returned to SFSU. In 2014, she was accepted in the doctoral program in psychology at Saybrook University. It was during this time she was introduced to neurofeedback and deepened her understanding of biofeedback.

She continues to enrich her training through classes weekly for biofeedback and neurofeedback. Biofeedback greatly assists in identifying underlying issues in targeted therapeutic strategies and enables her clients to participate more directly in their own healing.

Unlocking Brain Function: Advanced Tools for Personalized Therapeutic Interventions 15.01.2025

Using AI and Biomarker Analysis to Guide Precision Treatment Planning

Join us for an engaging webinar through the Northeast Region Biofeedback Society, where you’ll learn how to maximize clinical insights through advanced report generation. This informative session will guide you from assessment to action, showcasing how to use analytics for precise, targeted neurofeedback interventions.

Understanding how the brain processes information and regulates itself is essential for designing effective, personalized therapeutic interventions. This webinar introduces an evidence-based approach to brain function analysis, leveraging the largest database of its kind, advanced biomarkers, and AI-driven insights.

We will guide you through the technical workflow, from patient assessments using questionnaires, EEG, and ERP recordings, to generating diagnostic reports through a sophisticated tool chain. Attendees will also learn how they can acquire these skills through specialized training programs, enabling them to integrate these powerful tools into their clinical practice and deliver more effective mental health care.

This session is designed for mental health professionals seeking innovative tools to enhance their practice. Whether you are new to brain function analysis or looking to integrate cutting-edge methodologies, this webinar will provide practical knowledge in an accessible and engaging format.

After the info day

  • Learn evidence-based brain function analysis using EEG/ERP and advanced biomarkers.
  • Explore AI-driven tools to streamline assessments and generate diagnostic reports.
  • Discover how to integrate these powerful methodologies into your clinical practice.
  • Gain practical knowledge to enhance mental health interventions with personalized care.


Period of time

15.01.2025 09:00 – 10:00
Local time: America/Los_Angeles

Your selected time zone


Northeastern Regional Biofeedback Society

124 Woodlyn Ave, Trooper, PA 19403

  • Phone: 610-933-9440


  • English


  • FREE

More Information

Don't miss this valuable opportunity to enhance your practice!

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the respective organizer, where you can register for the Info day.

Neurofeedback In Action: Mastering the First 10 Sessions

Course description

Unlock the power of neurofeedback and develop your confidence with our innovative course designed for beginning practitioners. Learn from three BCIA-approved mentors as they share their diverse approaches to the crucial first 10 sessions, empowering you to develop your own style and confidently navigate protocol selection and adjustments.

Essential teaching content

We developed this neurofeedback training in direct response to feedback from our BCIA didactic course graduates. Many told us they needed more guidance on:

  • Confidently adjusting protocols in the crucial first 10 Sessions
  • Developing their own approach to neurofeedback training
  • Practical decision-making skills for improving outcomes

Recent graduates noted their desire for ongoing support “putting to use the material/skills we newly acquired” and the value of step-by-step processes “especially surrounding running protocols”. This course is an answer to those students.


Period of time

30.11.2024 – 31.03.2025
Local time: UTC

Your selected time zone



Training points

Students will be able to…

  • Use neurofeedback training data to change protocol variables appropriately moving forward from the initial training protocols.
  • Identify appropriate moments to change the reward band, the inhibit band, the training length, & sensor sites to improve neurofeedback training outcomes.
  • Progress through the early phases of protocol selection with increased confidence.

Students will understand…

  • There are a variety of approaches to determining the priority for changing protocol variables.
  • Their own approach to neurofeedback training protocols during the first 10-15 neurofeedback sessions.
  • There are times when an assessment that is more thorough than a midline is desirable.

More Information

  • This is for someone starting their neurofeedback journey who understands the basics but who doesn’t yet have clarity on their approach to protocols and protocol adjustments.
  • Completion of a NF didactic course (request for exception if you believe your experience warrants it).


  • English


Sadar Psychological & Sports Center

1288 Valley Forge Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

Clinical ILF neurofeedback with children and adolescents - Part 1

16. December 2024

The first part of the article ‘Clinical ILF neurofeedback with children and adolescents’ has been published in the current issue of the 'forum für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie' of the bkjpp (Professional Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy in Germany e.V.) (issue 4/2024).

Our experienced lecturers Gernot Wührer and Stephan Kolbe, both qualified psychologists, provide exciting insights into the scientific principles of neurofeedback, with a particular focus on infra-low frequency (ILF) neurofeedback. They shed light on how this method works and its potential in a therapeutic context. They then report on two practical case studies that illustrate the use of ILF neurofeedback in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

You can read the full article on the website of the forum for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychosomatics and psychotherapy here.
Please note: the article is in German language.

The second part of the article looks at the empirical studies on neurofeedback and presents case studies on its use in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders. Another focus of the article is on the use of neurofeedback in occupational therapy and the possibilities of reimbursement by health insurance companies. You will find more information about the second part here on our Mind Matters blog when it is published.


Neurofeedback Basic Course Online

Course description

Vores Online grundkursus er tilstrækkeligt til at du kan komme i gang med Neurofeedback. Du får ikke kun den teoretiske basisviden. I uddannelsesforløbet indgår også minimum 6 praktiske Neurofeedback-træninger. Efter at have gennemført kurset, vil du være i stand til at bruge Neurofeedback i dit daglige arbejde.

I praksisdelen arbejdes der sammen to og to, hvor rollerne skifter mellem at være træner og klient. Således får du den nødvendige erfaring og tryghed, når du skal træne Neurofeedback med dine klienter efter kurset. Første træning foregår ved fysisk fremmøde, så du kommer godt og sikkert i gang.

Undervisningen består af videomateriale mm. som du kan se når det passer dig. Der følger spørgsmål med, som sikrer at du får de vigtigste pointer med og opnår det bedste læringsudbytte. Materialet tages op når vi mødes online, hvor du kan få svar på de spørgsmål du skulle have. Det er også her vi samler op på dine træninger med din træningsmakker.

For mere information om uddannelsens opbygning og indhold, læs mere på vores hjemmeside her eller ved at trykke ”register” i bunden af siden.

Essential teaching content

  • Teknisk basisviden om EEG og signalbearbejdning
  • 10-20 systemet og elektrodeplaceringer
  • Teori om selvregulering
  • Forståelse for effekten af Neurofeedback
  • Brug af hardware og software til Neurofeedbacktræning
  • Se og forstå mønstre af dysregulering hos personer
  • Protokoller til anvendelse klinisk og til peak performance
  • Evaluering af symptomer og træningsforløb
  • Andre testredskaber til at måle effekt af Neurofeedbackforløb
  • Neurofeedback træning - du træner selv og mærker den effekt Neurofeedback har

After the course you can

  • Arbejde sikkert med 2-kanals ILF Neurofeedback
  • Udvælge og anvende protokoller skræddersyet dine klienter
  • Hjælpe mennesker til bedre selvregulering og mindske symptomer
  • Anvende et universelt redskab som kan underbygge din nuværende praksis
  • Nyde hvor let Neurofeedback er at arbejde med og for klienter at modtage

Course highlights

  • Fleksibel uddannelsesform - tag uddannelsen fra dit hjem eller arbejdsplads
  • Forløbet er skræddersyet så du kan planlægge din egen tid under uddannelsen
  • Ved deltagelse i uddannelsen modtager du en dansk Protocol Guide


Period of time

06.01.2025 08:30 – 14.01.2025 17:30
Local time: Europe/Copenhagen

Your selected time zone


See link for specific times


25.400 DKK

Included in the price

  • Protocol Guide, 7. udgave 2019
  • Deltagelse på en opfølgningsdag hvor der tilbydes supervision og sparring
  • Certificering

More Information

Det er en forudsætning for at deltage i Basic Course Online at man tilmeldes mindst to personer sammen, der har mulighed for at aftale tid til træningssessionerne i uddannelsesforløbet. Det er en forudsætning at der indkøbes eller lejes neurofeedbackudstyr til træningssessionerne.

Er du alene kan du kontakte os og vi vil prøve at hjælpe med et match.


  • Danish

Stendyssevej 50
9850 Hirtshals

  • Phone: +45 20329901
register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

Brain Function Analyzer System

Course description

Social neuroscience combines approaches from cognitive neuroscience and social psychology and highlights a multilevel approach to emotional, social, and cognitive phenomena, making it one of the newer, more promising fields of cognitive neuroscience.The course covers the development of the HBImed database by Andreas Müller and Juri Kropotov, including the latest research findings such as the introduction of ICA evoked potentials, the vigilance index, arousal-index and ADHD and emotional Classification-indexes. Participants learn to use the HBImed Brain Function Analyzer to conduct analyses and generate reports driven from copilot. Neurobiological foundations are linked with cognitive-psychological approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of brain functions and their relationship to behavior and experience.

Essential teaching content


This is the inaugural course and is the only course that currently exists to teach students how to analyze qEEG/ERP data using the HBImed and brain function analyzer (BFA) system. This offering includes a unique opportunity for live Q&As with all instructors. In future iterations of the course, it’s likely that recordings of this cohort’s live events will replace some of the live instruction.


Period of time

21.04.2025 – 21.07.2025
Local time: UTC

Your selected time zone



Included in the price

  • 4 hours of pre-recorded instruction
  • BFA Instructions
  • 7.5 hours of live practicums and Q&A via Zoom
  • Up to 10 reports from the HBImed Brain Function Analyzer system
  • BEEmedic ERP recording device as required during the course and for 2 months following the course’s conclusion (note: to collect data you will need have your own caps and computer)
  • ERP calibration/technical support
  • Practice EEG/ERP data
  • 2+ hours of live discussion of reports generated by students2

230 minutes allocated per student

Training points

Students will be able to…

  • Analyze EEG/ERP data using the Brain Function Analyzer System and the HBImed database
  • Design their own EEG/ERP reports using the Brain Function Analyzer System

Students will understand…

  • What ERPs are and how they help clinicians understand the brain
  • The reports that the Brain Function Analyzer System generates

More Information

  • This is an intermediate/advanced class. Therefore course participants need to have completed an intro accredited BCIA course or have at least 2 years of full time neurofeedback training experience
  • Course praticipants should already know how to acquire artifact free 19 channel EEG/ERP data. If you need to learn this, we can help.
  • Access to a computer that meets the specifications to run the ERP rec program1
  • Caps and gels
  • Course participants must hold a clinical license or be working under a supervisor who meets all prerequisites and is either taking this course with them or already knows how to use the BFA

Can be confirmed with BEEMedic tech support: tel – +1-818-313-9980


  • English


Sadar Psychological & Sports Center

1288 Valley Forge Rd, Phoenixville, PA 19460

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.
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