Q&A Session mit Dr. Ing. Bernhard Wandernoth am 11.06.2024
Sie arbeiten mit Neurofeedback und möchten wissen, was die neuesten Entwicklungen in diesem Bereich sind? Sie möchten Ihre individuellen Fragen stellen, sich über Ihre Erfahrungen austauschen und neue Impulse gewinnen?
Dann bietet die kostenlose Q&A Session mit Bernhard Wandernoth hierfür die ideale Möglichkeit.
Im Rahmen der einstündigen offenen Gesprächsrunde erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, die neuesten Entwicklungen und Erkenntnisse aus erster Hand von Bernhard Wandernoth, Gründer und Vorsitzender der BEE Medic GmbH, zu erfahren. Diskutieren Sie Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, aktuelle Studien und Erkenntnisse. Es besteht ausreichend Raum für alle Ihre Fragen rund um Neurofeedback
- Informationen über aktuelle Entwicklungen
- Raum für fachliche und technische Fragen von Anwendern
- Möglichkeit zum Austausch von Erfahrungen in der Anwendung von Neurofeedback
- Raum zur Diskussion aktueller Studien und Erkenntnisse zu Neurofeedback
Period of time
Local time: Europe/Berlin
Your selected time zone
18.00 bis ca. 19.00 Uhr
BEE Medic GmbH
Max-Porzig-Str. 1
78224 Singen
- courses@beemedic.de
- Phone: +49 7731 96969-70
- German
More Information
Dieses Webinar richtet sich an Anwender:innen.
Wollen Sie sich über Neurofeedback informieren? Dann empfehlen wir unser Info-Webinare.
Neurofeedback - Evolution, Evidence, and Application - September 4
BEE Medic is the maker of modern, practical and effective tools for mental health professionals. In this presentation, you will receive first-hand information from Dr. Wandernoth, who is responsible for the entire development at BEE Medic GmbH. He will cover what neurofeedback actually is, how it works, where it can be used, and how to integrate it into your practice.
- History of neurofeedback
- How does neurofeedback work?
- For which indications and symptoms is neurofeedback suitable?
- How do the common neurofeedback methods differ?
- How is neurofeedback applied in practice?
- What are the professional and therapeutic requirements?
- What are the technical requirements?
- What are the first steps for a successful implementation?
- Q & A
Period of time
04.09.2024 09:00 – 10:00
Local time: America/Los_Angeles
Your selected time zone
- sales@beemedic.com
- Phone: 818-313-9980
- English
After the webinar
You will..
..have insight into the evidence of Neurofeedback
..know how modern Neurofeedback works
..know how to implement and use Neurofeedback in practice and clinic and what benefits you can derive from it personally
..have many new insights and references to literature and studies that will help you know how to get started with effective neurofeedback
Neurofeedback - Evolution, Evidence, and Application - 24 July 2024
BEE Medic is the maker of modern, practical and effective tools for mental health professionals. In this presentation, you will receive first-hand information from Dr. Wandernoth, who is responsible for the entire development at BEE Medic GmbH. He will cover what neurofeedback actually is, how it works, where it can be used, and how to integrate it into your practice.
- History of neurofeedback
- How does neurofeedback work?
- For which indications and symptoms is neurofeedback suitable?
- How do the common neurofeedback methods differ?
- How is neurofeedback applied in practice?
- What are the professional and therapeutic requirements?
- What are the technical requirements?
- What are the first steps for a successful implementation?
- Q & A
Period of time
Local time: America/Los_Angeles
Your selected time zone
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific
- sales@beemedic.com
- Phone: 818-313-9980
- English
After the webinar
You will..
..have insight into the evidence of Neurofeedback
..know how modern Neurofeedback works
..know how to implement and use Neurofeedback in practice and clinic and what benefits you can derive from it personally
..have many new insights and references to literature and studies that will help you know how to get started with effective neurofeedback
Neurofeedback - Evolution, Evidence, and Application - May 15
BEE Medic is the maker of modern, practical and effective tools for mental health professionals. In this presentation, you will receive first-hand information from Dr. Wandernoth, who is responsible for the entire development at BEE Medic GmbH. He will cover what neurofeedback actually is, how it works, where it can be used, and how to integrate it into your practice.
- History of neurofeedback
- How does neurofeedback work?
- For which indications and symptoms is neurofeedback suitable?
- How do the common neurofeedback methods differ?
- How is neurofeedback applied in practice?
- What are the professional and therapeutic requirements?
- What are the technical requirements?
- What are the first steps for a successful implementation?
- Q & A
Period of time
Local time: America/Los_Angeles
Your selected time zone
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific
- sales@beemedic.com
- Phone: 818-313-9980
- English
After the webinar
You will..
..have insight into the evidence of Neurofeedback
..know how modern Neurofeedback works
..know how to implement and use Neurofeedback in practice and clinic and what benefits you can derive from it personally
..have many new insights and references to literature and studies that will help you know how to get started with effective neurofeedback
In memory of Barry Sterman
Dr Barry Sterman was one of the pioneers of neurofeedback and is known for his groundbreaking work on the functioning of the human brain.
After completing his doctorate in psychology and neuroscience at the University of California Los Angeles in 1963, Barry Sterman began his research. Among other things, he investigated the effect of a substance made from rocket fuel on cats on behalf of NASA. Almost all the cats suffered epileptic seizures, except those whose brains had previously been trained to produce more SMR rhythms. One of Sterman's co-workers, who also suffered from epilepsy, agreed to the experiment of training her brain with rewarding feedback on the desired EEG activity and was thus able to reduce her seizures. This self-experiment was published in 1972 and is considered the birth of clinical neurofeedback.
With this discovery, Barry Sterman paved the way for neurofeedback in its current form. His discoveries and tireless work have not only expanded our understanding of the brain, but have also enabled numerous applications in medicine.
Barry passed away last December at the age of 87. We remember him and his legacy with the greatest respect and appreciation.
picture source: LinkedIn
Case study shows the use of ILF Neurofeedback in patients with Dravet syndrome
This case study investigates how an intervention with ILF-neurofeedback training (ILF-NFT) can affect the symptoms of an eight-year-old patient with Dravet syndrome (DS), a rare and severely debilitating form of epilepsy.
Schmidt, C.; Laugesen, H. (2023): Infra-low frequency training in Dravet Syndrome: a case study. Epilepsy and Behaviour reports. Science Direct; 1-10.
You can read the full study here.
Dravet syndrome (DS) is a rare and severe form of epilepsy that occurs in one in 40,000 epilepsy patients (Dhamija et al. 2014). Dravet syndrome is caused by the mutation of a gene responsible for the coding of sodium channels in the central nervous system. This genetic mutation is associated with severe neurological impairments in several areas of the brain (Wheless et al. 2020). Particularly challenging for DS patients are the frequent epileptic seizures, which are largely resistant to treatment. Sleep disorders are also a significant challenge in DS. In addition, DS is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity in the EEG. According to the international consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of DS, treatment options are limited. (Bureau/ Bernardina 2011). As a result, seizure remission can only rarely be achieved, which is why persistent developmental disorders and sleep problems are likely (Wheless et al. 2020).
Clinically, the core symptoms in particular are treated as part of a DS disorder. However, despite the numerous pharmacological treatment options, there is still no sufficiently effective treatment for DS patients to reduce neurodevelopmental disorders, sleep disorders and epileptic seizures (Moore 2022; Lyons et al. 2020).
Case Study
This case study presents an 8-year-old DS patient who presented with febrile seizures at the age of 5 months with increasing seizure frequency, up to 3 times per week and a seizure duration of up to 30 minutes. In the course of her illness, the epileptic seizures were increasingly triggered not only by fever, but also by low temperatures, physical activity and sensory stimulation. Until the start of ILF neurofeedback therapy, the patient had increasing sleep problems and was awake for two to four hours a night five nights a week.
During a neuropsychological examination in a Danish epilepsy hospital, the girl's mental development was assessed as delayed by around one year. The girl had tried various pharmacological therapies, which had already caused initial damage to her liver function. The use of benzodiazepines also increased the frequency of lethargic moods.
ILF neurofeedback training was started in December 2019. Since then, the patient has trained almost daily for approx. 30 minutes per session. The NeuroAmp II and Cygnet software are used for this.
The results of the case study consist primarily of the parents' observations, including their records of seizures in the digital app, which they share with the Danish Epilepsy Hospital. After the first three training sessions, there was a clear improvement in sleep, and the waking phases during the night also became significantly shorter. With regard to the epileptic seizures, it was found that they could be reduced both in frequency and intensity. In general, the girl has developed positively since starting ILF-NFT. Her cognitive and motor skills are also developing well, even if they are not age-appropriate.
Dhamija, R.; Erickson, MK.; St. Louis, EK.; Wirrell, E.; Kotagal, S. Sleep abnormalities in children with Dravet syndrome, Pediatr. Neurol 2014; 50(5): 474-478.
Wheless, JW.; Fulton, SP.; Mudigoudar, BD. Dravet syndrome: a review of current management. Pediatr Neurol 2020; 107: 28-40.
Bureau, M.; Bernardina, BD. Electroencophalographic characteristics of Dravet syndrome. Epilepsia 2011; 52: 13-23.
Moore, PT. Infra-low frequency neurofeedback and insomnia as a model of CNS dysregulation. Front Hum Neurosci 2022; 514.
Lyons, L.; Schoeler, NE.; Langan, D.; Cross, JH. Use of ketogenic diet therapy in infants with epilepsy: a systematic review meta-analysis. Epilepsia 2020; 61(6): 1261-1281.
Neurofeedback Grundkurs Online
Course description
Lernen Sie alles, was Sie für den Start mit Neurofeedback benötigen. Vom Anlegen der Elektroden, über das Bedienen der Hard-und Software bis hin zur Auswahl der richtigen Behandlungsprotokolle, der Erstellung von Symptomprofilen und der Bewertung von Behandlungsergebnissen - alles bequem online und direkt aus Ihrer Praxis.
Das technische Equipment stellt Ihnen BEE Medic bei Bedarf zur Verfügung - als Leihsystem oder über günstige Leasingangebote. Per Live-Videokonferenz werden Sie Schritt für Schritt ins Neurofeedback eingeführt. Online-Vorträge und Diskussionen wechseln sich mit praktischen Übungen, die Sie direkt in Ihrer Praxis durchführen, ab. Während des Praxisteils haben Sie stets technischen Support und einen Dozenten als Ansprechpartner. Das Praktikum absolvieren Sie zu zweit, melden Sie sich bitte gemeinsam mit einer Kollegin oder einem Kollegen an.
Der Kurs eignet sich vor allem für Einsteiger. Aber auch, wenn Sie bereits einen Kurs bei uns besucht haben, um Gelerntes aufzufrischen oder zu wiederholen.
Essential teaching content
- Technische Grundlagen des EEG und der Signalverarbeitung
- 10-20 System und Elektrodenplatzierungen
- Selbstregulierungsmodell und Neuroplastizität
- Neurophysiologische Grundlagen zum Verständnis von Neurofeedback-Effekten
- Umgang mit Neurofeedback-Hardware und Software sowie Artefakte erkennen
- Muster von Fehlregulierungen im Zusammenhang mit physischen, emotionalen und Verhaltensproblemen erkennen
- Neurofeedback-Protokolle für klinische und Peak Performance Anwendungen
- Symptombewertung und Beurteilung von Trainingsverläufen
- Neurofeedback und Medikamente
- Kontraindikationen
- Verlaufskontrolle und CPT – Continuous Performance Test
- Neurofeedback-Praktikum, zur Selbsterfahrung wie schnell und spezifisch Neurofeedback-Effekte sein können
After the course you can
- Sicher mit 2-Kanal ILF-Neurofeedback arbeiten und Ihre Klienten nachhaltig mit Neurofeedback unterstützen
- Behandlungsprotokolle gezielt nach Anlass und Klient auswählen und einsetzen
- Klienten zu einer besseren Selbstregulierung verhelfen und Symptome von psychischen Erkrankungen lindern, wovon meist auch weitere therapeutische Interventionen profitieren
- Selbst von der angenehmen Arbeit mit Neurofeedback profitieren, durch eine gewisse „Leichtigkeit“, die Neurofeedback in den therapeutischen Arbeitsalltag bringt
Course highlights
- Limitierte Rabattaktion: 50 % Rabatt auf den Kurspreis bei Anmeldung zu zweit
- Planungssicher aus der eigenen Praxis oder von zu Hause lernen
- Abwechslungsreiches Live-Onlineformat und hoher Praktikumsanteil
- Intensive Betreuung durch erfahrene Dozenten während des gesamten Kurses
- Technischer Support
Period of time
04.11.2024 – 08.11.2024
04.11.2024 08:30 – 19:00
05.11.2024 08:30 – 19:00
06.11.2024 08:30 – 18:00
07.11.2024 08:30 – 18:00
08.11.2024 08:30 – 16:00
Local time: Europe/Berlin
Your selected time zone
1290 EUR / 1490 CHFIncluded in the price
- Bereits vor dem Kurs unterstützen wir Sie individuell beim Einrichten der Videokonferenz und des Neurofeedback-Equipments – für einen perfekten Kursstart
- Umfassender Kursordner mit allen Präsentationen und Arbeitsblättern
- Abschlussprüfung mit Zertifikat
More Information
- Der Kurs richtet sich exklusiv an heilberufliche und therapeutische Fachanwender.
- Das Praktikum absolvieren Sie zu zweit. Melden Sie sich daher gemeinsam mit einer Kollegin oder einem Kollegen an.
- Für ein begrenztes Kontingent an Plätzen vergeben wir 50% Rabatt auf den Kurspreis bei Anmeldung zu zweit! *Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Rabattaktion begrenzt ist und kein Anspruch darauf erhoben werden kann.
- Für den Kurs benötigen Sie Neurofeedback Equipment - bitte melden Sie sich bei uns, wir finden gemeinsam heraus, was für Sie am besten passt.
Der Kurs ist vorläufig ausgebucht, weitere Anmeldungen nur auf Anfrage. Bitte wenden Sie sich direkt an courses@beemedic.de
- German
For EU:
BEE Medic GmbH
Max-Porzig-Str. 1, 78224 Singen, Germany
For CH, UK and other non-EU countries:
BEE Medic GmbH, Switzerland
BEE Systems Ltd. UK
- courses@beemedic.com
- Phone: +49 7731 96969-70
- Phone: +41 71 9314020
- Phone: +44 1702 8200 06