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Neurofeedback osnovna edukacija

Course description

Sadržaj edukacije
Edukacija pruža sveobuhvatan uvod u tehničke detalje i kliničku primjenu neurofeedbacka. Uključuje predavanja, demonstracije, diskusiju i praktična iskustva. Radit ćete u skupinama po dvoje na vlastitim ili našim neurofeedback sustavima koji su klasificirani i odobreni kao medicinski uređaj. Steći ćete znanja i iskustva za početak rada s ovom inovativnom tehnikom za poboljšanje samoregulacije i osnaživanje moždanih funkcija. Metoda je razvijana od strane Othmerovih tijekom proteklih 25 godina. Tečaj je namijenjen osobama s terapijskim iskustvom koje žele naučiti ovu metodu poznatu po svojoj visokoj učinkovitosti. Nakon početne edukacije moći ćete odmah implementirati neurofeedback u vašu praksu.
Ova vrsta neurofeedbacka osobito je interesantna iskusnim terapeutima jer je bazirana na praćenju simptoma.

Essential teaching content

Što ćete naučiti?
• Tehničke osnove različitih funkcija neurofeedback sustava i obrade EEG signala.
• Mehanizme neurofiziološke samoregulacije i specifične oblike disregulacije koji vode do fizičkih, emocionalnih i bihevioralnih simptoma.
• Steći ćete iskustvo s neurofeedback opremom pomoću koje vježbamo moždane mehanizme samoregulacije i poboljšavamo funkcije mozga.
• Naučiti ćete više o  alatima za procjenu koji omogućuju novi uvid u simptome Vaših pacijenata i usmjeravaju neurofeedback trening.
• Steći ćete znanja i vještine koje će Vam omogućiti da uključite neurofeedback u svoju kliničku praksu.
• Osnaživati ćete svoje pacijente da funkcioniraju bolje i povećaju svoje sposobnosti što će im omogućiti bolji učinak od drugih terapija.

After the course you can

Po završetku tečaja biti ćete u mogućnosti:
• Opisati proces treninga EEG-a
• Koristiti neurofeedback opremu na osnovnoj razini
• Procijeniti primjenjivost neurofeedback treninga kod novih klijenata
• Opisati neurofeedback protokole za kliničku primjenu i vrhunsku izvedbu
• Procijeniti napredak klijenta i vrijeme završetka treninga

Course highlights

U pet dana teorije i prakse naučit ćete teorijske osnove i imati puno mogućnosti vježbe na praktikumima.


Zagreb - Vita Plena Neurofeedback Training Center
Dubravica 41F
10090 Zagreb

Period of time

20.05.2024 – 24.05.2024
Local time: Europe/Zagreb

Your selected time zone


1.380,00 EUR

Included in the price

Ručak uz švedski stol

Kava i snack za vrijeme pauze, čaj, voda, sokovi

Oprema i potrošni materijal za neurofeedback

Sveobuhvatna mapa tečaja sa svim prezentacijama i radnim listovima

Završni ispit i potvrda o sudjelovanju


  • Croatian


Vita Plena jdoo
Palinovečka 45

  • Phone: +385 1 38 90 510
register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

Synchrony Training

Course description

2-Part Course via Zoom (video conference)

After successfully completing the ILF Introductory Course and working with the technique in clinical practice for a while, you are now ready to learn more about the next steps in the protocol development. During this training course, you will learn all about the Synchrony application in Cygnet and how to use it to enhance clinical outcomes and consolidate training effects. The course includes discussions and hands-on experience with this modality.


Period of time

21.05.2024 08:30 – 12:30
22.05.2024 08:30 – 12:30
Local time: America/Los_Angeles

Your selected time zone



More Information

Requirements/expectations: Access to the training equipment for sessions on both days typically in the 3rd-4th hour of each part of the course. Attendees should have an established training protocol in ILF and have significant ILF experience with clients to be ready to introduce this modality into their patient’s training protocols. 

Who should attend: Clinicians who have completed the intro course and the advanced ILF training and have used this modality extensively for at least 3 months on clients. It is advised to take this course before the Alpha-Theta course.


  • English


21031 Ventura Blvd. Suite 1102
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

  • Phone: +1818-584-1972
register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

ILF Neurofeedback in Trauma and Dissociation

Course description

Learn more about the mechanisms behind trauma and dissociation and how they overlap in people with a significant developmental trauma history. Develop a deeper understanding on how to approach the two problems with ILF Neurofeedback.

Essential teaching content

Join Roxana Sasu in a discussion about the Infra-Low Neurofeedback approach in clients with a history of developmental trauma and dissociation. More complex clinical presentations can complicate the decision-making process and delay achieving the expected training outcomes. Understanding the mechanisms of dysregulation behind presenting symptoms becomes the key to finding the optimal clinical approach. 


Period of time

Local time: UTC

Your selected time zone


12:00 pm-1:30 pm Pacific



More Information

Who should attend? All skill/experience levels are welcome


  • English


21031 Ventura Blvd. Suite 1102
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

  • Phone: +1818-584-1972
register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

Advanced ILF Neurofeedback

Course description

8-hour training course divided into two 4-hour parts delivered via Zoom on two different days a week apart. More in depth information about the ILF NFB process, the optimization process, Cygnet screen and refining training protocols, as well as protocol development beyond basic training sites and discussions around attendees’ training protocols and protocol developments. The training includes two training sessions and group discussions around the training outcomes. 


Period of time

09.04.2024 – 10.04.2024
Local time: UTC

Your selected time zone


8:30 am-12:30 pm Pacific


Free for Members, $400 for Non-Members

More Information

Requirements/expectations: Access to Neurofeedback equipment for sessions on both days, typically during the 4th hour of each session. 

Who should attend: Clinicians who have completed the Intro course and have gathered significant hands-on experience with this tool by using it for at least 3 months for several clients daily. 


  • English


Neurofeedback Advocacy Project

United States

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

5-Day Introductory Infra-Low Neurofeedback Training Course

Course description

The ILF Neurofeedback Basic Course, organized by Aurora Neurofeedback and Neurotopia, offers a fantastic opportunity for Canadian and US clinicians wanting to add a powerful technique to their existing toolbox to achieve better clinical outcomes with their clients. 

The two instructors, Roxana Sasu and Adriana King will lead you through a balanced combination of theory, discussion, and practice that offers participants the chance to experience the training themselves and learn from their own Neurofeedback journey and also everyone else's in the group. This allows practitioners to develop the necessary skills to successfully and confidently start offering the approach immediately after the course. 

This course is a 5-day in-person course that will take place in Aurora, Canada. 

Essential teaching content

The beginning of the course offers insight into the history of the approach, the neurophysiological basis of Neurofeedback, and the core concepts as a foundation for the clinical work. We will look into the assessment process and how to understand brain dysregulations and their manifestations and apply that knowledge to design individualized training protocols. We discuss the technology used for ILF Neurofeedback - Cygnet and will practice using this technology throughout the course.

Then the course continues with discussions on developing the training protocols and interpreting training outcomes to adjust the treatment plan for better clinical results. We will continue with more in-depth discussions about categories of symptoms and what the clinical approach entails for each of them. Case studies, symptom tracking, and objective testing of brain performance as a tracking tool are all going to be covered as well.

After the course you can

Successfully implement this modality to complement other interventions you are using in your practice to help your patients achieve optimal brain performance and alleviate symptoms related to brain dysregulations.


Aurora - Aurora Therapy & Neurofeedback
203-15105 Yonge Street
L4G 1M3 Aurora, Ontario

Period of time

03.04.2024 – 07.04.2024
Local time: America/Toronto

Your selected time zone


Ca$4150+HST, Early Bird Ca$ 3950+HST

Included in the price

All training materials and training equipment are included. 

Training points

What is Neurofeedback, and what is Infra-Low Neurofeedback?

Clinical model, modes of dysregulation.

Starting sites and training frequencies, the optimization process is based on arousal indicators.

2 channel ILF HD - Cygnet software, signal processing. 

Designing training protocols for various clinical presentations. Learning how to optimize the training protocol to achieve the best clinical outcomes.

Neurophysiological basics for understanding Neurofeedback 

History of Neurofeedback 

Hands-on training: developing and implementing your own training protocol

The course will take place in person in the Toronto area, Ontario, Canada. 


  • English


21031 Ventura Blvd. Suite 1102
Woodland Hills, CA 91364

  • Phone: +1818-584-1972
register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the organizer of the course for booking. The organizer is also responsible for course organisation and invoicing.

Q&A Session with Dr Ing. Bernhard Wandernoth - 24 September 2024

Do you work with neurofeedback and would like to ask your individual questions, share your experiences and gain new ideas? 

Then the free Q&A session with Bernhard Wandernoth is the ideal opportunity.

During the one-hour open discussion round, you will have the opportunity to discuss your personal experiences, current studies and findings. There will be plenty of room for all your questions about neurofeedback



  • Space for professional and technical questions from users
  • Opportunity to exchange experiences in the use of neurofeedback
  • Space to discuss current studies and findings on neurofeedback



Period of time

24.09.2024 18:30 – 19:30
Local time: Europe/London

Your selected time zone


Please be aware of the time zone.


BEE Medic GmbH
Max-Porzig-Str. 1
78224 Singen

  • Phone: +49 7731 96969-70


  • English

More Information

This webinar is aimed at Neurofeedback users.
Would you like to find out more about neurofeedback? Then we recommend our info webinars.

Do you have therapeutic questions? Ask them in our free Q&A sessions in our facebook group.



You can send us your questions in advance. Please let us know via the registration form.

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the respective organizer, where you can register for the Info day.

Q&A Session with Dr Ing. Bernhard Wandernoth - 13 June 2024

Do you work with neurofeedback and want to know about the latest developments in this field? Would you like to ask your individual questions, share your experiences and gain new ideas? 

Then the free Q&A session with Bernhard Wandernoth is the ideal opportunity.

During the one-hour open discussion round, you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments and findings first-hand from Bernhard Wandernoth, founder and chairman of BEE Medic GmbH. Discuss your personal experiences, current studies and findings. There will be plenty of room for all your questions about neurofeedback



  • Information on current developments
  • Space for professional and technical questions from users
  • Opportunity to exchange experiences in the use of neurofeedback
  • Space to discuss current studies and findings on neurofeedback



Period of time

Local time: Europe/Berlin

Your selected time zone


6pm CET


BEE Medic GmbH
Max-Porzig-Str. 1
78224 Singen

  • Phone: +49 7731 96969-70


  • English

More Information

This webinar is aimed at Neurofeedback users.

Would you like to find out more about neurofeedback? Then we recommend our info webinars.

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the respective organizer, where you can register for the Info day.

Q&A Session mit Dr. Ing. Bernhard Wandernoth am 24.09.2024

Sie arbeiten mit Neurofeedback und möchten Ihre individuellen Fragen stellen, sich über Ihre Erfahrungen austauschen und neue Impulse gewinnen? 

Dann bietet die kostenlose Q&A Session mit Bernhard Wandernoth hierfür die ideale Möglichkeit.

Im Rahmen der einstündigen offenen Gesprächsrunde erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen, aktuelle Studien und Erkenntnisse zu diskutieren. Es besteht ausreichend Raum für alle Ihre Fragen rund um Neurofeedback.



  • Raum für fachliche und technische Fragen von Anwenderinnen und Anwender
  • Möglichkeit zum Austausch von Erfahrungen in der Anwendung von Neurofeedback
  • Raum zur Diskussion aktueller Studien und Erkenntnisse zu Neurofeedback


Period of time

24.09.2024 17:30 – 18:30
Local time: Europe/Berlin

Your selected time zone


BEE Medic GmbH
Max-Porzig-Str. 1
78224 Singen

  • Phone: +49 7731 96969-70


  • German

More Information

Um Ihre Fragen bestmöglich zu beantworten, können Sie uns Ihre Fragen gerne vorab zuschicken. Schreiben Sie uns Ihre Fragen bitte ausschließlich im Anmeldungsformular.

Dieses Webinar richtet sich an Anwenderinnen und Anwender.
Wollen Sie sich über Neurofeedback informieren? Dann empfehlen wir unser Info-Webinare.

Haben Sie therapeutische Fragen? Stellen Sie diese gerne in unseren Q&A Sessions in unserer Facebook-Gruppe.

register* Print course description *By clicking on "register" you will be forwarded directly to the respective organizer, where you can register for the Info day.
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